About returns and exchanges

Returned items
At Nogi Herbal Medicine, we take great care in the quality control and delivery of our products, but in the unlikely event that you receive a defective product, please call us. We will refund your purchase price only if the product is defective due to dirt, damage, etc.
If the product is defective or our product is the wrong one, we will bear the cost.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges for reasons other than those listed above.

If you wish to exchange the product, we will ship the returned product after checking it.
  • Shipping costs for returning the product and transfer fees for refunds will be borne by the customer.
  • In the case of exchange, a flat fee of 864 yen (consumption tax included ) will be charged (540 yen shipping fee + 324 yen cash on delivery fee ).
Claims for the difference in price that occur at the time of exchange will only be paid by cash on delivery.

Eligible for exchange service
Valid until 7 days after receiving the product.
If you have allergies, please check the displayed ingredients carefully.
Thank you for your purchase. Please note that we may contact you directly.

Return/Exchange Counter Phone Number: (Toll Free) 0120-411-409/Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 (Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays/Closed)